My name is

I’m a graphic design/illustrator

I have experience in fashion design for 2 years after changing my career path to a graphic designer and an illustrator.
Currently, I want to work on graphic design as a first of many steps in the future to improve my skill set which are: Book cover design, Game/animation/movie poster, and Character design.
My aim for the design industry is to work with an ambitious team to put out products that when people see it, they can say “The studio who made this really love their craft”.

My target roles that I want to achieve in the near future are: Art Director, Designer, Concept Artist, or Character Designer in a game/animation studio.

About AI: this topic can be quite sensitive in the art community and  the game/animation/graphic studios/agencies. Personally for me, AI can work as a tool to help reduce the workload that designers need to  work.  But I think any stage that is heavily idea-based needs to be in charge of humans.  Designers are always scared of new changes that can replace them. But I hope in the future we don’t have to worry about AI as much as we do now, just like how artists get used to  digital design tools like Photoshop or Adobe Illustration.


Contact me direct to:    quocanh1629vn@gmail.com                                 copyright 2024 quoc anh nguyen